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Bid History for: Lot 91 - Dillon Precision Shotgun Reloader - SL 900
User Time Amount Info
greg45acp 03/14/24 8:25PM $854.99 Proxy bid was was placed for greg45acp in response to a bid by Randybracey7
Randybracey7 03/14/24 8:25PM $844.99 Randybracey7 bid was accepted, but was outbid by greg45acp using proxy bid.
greg45acp 03/14/24 8:25PM $445.00 greg45acp outbid the previous bid by smacneill
smacneill 03/14/24 8:25PM $440.00 Proxy bid was was placed for smacneill in response to a bid by Scubaflood
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:25PM $436.36 Scubaflood bid was accepted, but was outbid by smacneill using proxy bid.
smacneill 03/14/24 8:20PM $415.16 smacneill outbid the previous bid by Scubaflood
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:20PM $410.16 Proxy bid was placed for Scubaflood in response to a bid by smacneill
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:18PM $405.00 Scubaflood outbid the previous bid by smacneill
smacneill 03/14/24 8:18PM $400.00 Proxy bid was placed for smacneill in response to a bid by Scubaflood
smacneill 03/14/24 8:15PM $380.12 Proxy bid was was placed for smacneill in response to a bid by Scubaflood
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:15PM $375.12 Scubaflood bid was accepted, but was outbid by smacneill using proxy bid.
smacneill 03/14/24 8:15PM $352.13 Proxy bid was was placed for smacneill in response to a bid by Scubaflood
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:15PM $347.13 Scubaflood bid was accepted, but was outbid by smacneill using proxy bid.
smacneill 03/14/24 8:14PM $321.32 smacneill outbid the previous bid by Scubaflood
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:14PM $316.32 Proxy bid was placed for Scubaflood in response to a bid by smacneill
Scubaflood 03/14/24 8:14PM $305.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Scubaflood in response to a bid by smacneill
smacneill 03/14/24 8:14PM $300.00 smacneill bid was accepted, but was outbid by Scubaflood using proxy bid.
Scubaflood 03/14/24 7:33PM $225.00 Scubaflood raised their max bid.
Scubaflood 03/14/24 5:36PM $225.00 Scubaflood outbid the previous bid by greg45acp
greg45acp 03/14/24 5:36PM $220.00 Proxy bid was placed for greg45acp in response to a bid by Scubaflood
greg45acp 03/12/24 9:53PM $205.00 greg45acp outbid the previous bid by honeybadger
honeybadger 03/12/24 9:53PM $200.00 Proxy bid was placed for honeybadger in response to a bid by greg45acp
honeybadger 03/12/24 9:52PM $185.00 Proxy bid was was placed for honeybadger in response to a bid by greg45acp
greg45acp 03/12/24 9:52PM $180.00 greg45acp bid was accepted, but was outbid by honeybadger using proxy bid.
honeybadger 03/12/24 10:26AM $130.00 honeybadger outbid the previous bid by greatwhite
greatwhite 03/11/24 4:56PM $125.00 greatwhite outbid the previous bid by Gavette707
Gavette707 03/11/24 4:56PM $120.00 Proxy bid was placed for Gavette707 in response to a bid by greatwhite
Gavette707 03/11/24 11:59AM $101.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Gavette707 in response to a bid by kwinn
kwinn 03/11/24 11:59AM $100.00 kwinn bid was accepted, but was outbid by Gavette707 using proxy bid.
Gavette707 03/11/24 11:29AM $76.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Gavette707 in response to a bid by Urch
Urch 03/11/24 11:29AM $75.00 Urch bid was accepted, but was outbid by Gavette707 using proxy bid.
Gavette707 03/11/24 11:29AM $66.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Gavette707 in response to a bid by Urch
Urch 03/11/24 11:29AM $65.00 Urch bid was accepted, but was outbid by Gavette707 using proxy bid.
Gavette707 03/11/24 11:29AM $51.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Gavette707 in response to a bid by Urch
Urch 03/11/24 11:29AM $50.00 Urch bid was accepted, but was outbid by Gavette707 using proxy bid.
Gavette707 03/11/24 10:02AM $41.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Gavette707 in response to a bid by ccdavis01
ccdavis01 03/11/24 10:02AM $40.00 ccdavis01 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Gavette707 using proxy bid.
Gavette707 03/11/24 9:11AM $26.00 Gavette707 outbid the previous bid by smacneill
smacneill 03/11/24 9:11AM $25.00 Proxy bid was placed for smacneill in response to a bid by Gavette707
smacneill 03/11/24 8:59AM $21.00 Proxy bid was was placed for smacneill in response to a bid by cltrns51
cltrns51 03/11/24 8:59AM $20.00 cltrns51 bid was accepted, but was outbid by smacneill using proxy bid.
smacneill 03/11/24 8:58AM $5.00 smacneill placed the starting bid.
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